Final STEM Fair 2016
The Mombasa girls in STEM project ended on the 13th August 2015 with over 180 girls from high schools.11 High schools presenting 3 projects each totaling to 33 projects in the fields of Science,Technology,Engineering and Maths.The Mombasa Girls in STEM was an Alumnae exchange innovative funds(AEIF) won by Techwomen Kenya and implemented by Pwani Teknowgalz .To summarize the project, a fair was held at Aga Khan High School Mombasa . The aim of the final fair was to give the girls a chance to present their projects which geared towards solving Community problem.The chief guest speaker was Commercial Attaché, Tammy Murrietta from US Embassy Kenya who gave keynote address to the girls .Booths were allocated to every team to showcase their projects to a panel of 4 judges who passed around to see the projects from different schools that the girls have been working on.The public which involves tech communities, parents ,were all welcomed to visit the booths. The girls showcased their impressive project ranging from mobile applications ,geographical information system(GIS),Science,mathematics and Robotics.It was an awesome day where each an everyone got a chance to learn something new from the girls.The public and the judges were impressed by the girls projects and their understanding of different SDGs that they were solving. The teams were awarded categorically as follows:
Software Category-Team Mind First Aider Application using MIT App Inventor. The Application features simple,easy advice on first aid scenarios as well as tips on how to prepare for emergencies.
Science and GIS Category-Team Pioneers From Hassan Joho secondary School The girls were doing GIS project on Locating dumping sites in Mombasa and collecting data from nearby residents and health facilities on how the dumping sites affects the health of the residents. The girls used Ona and ODK(open data kit) to collect and present their data.
Robotics and Electronics Category-Mt Sinai Secondary School .The Girls Created temperature sensor that detects temperature changes in households and raises an alarm when it detects change in temperature that could cause a domestic accident.
Mt Sinai Secondary School also was awarded as the best overall school in the entire project for their outstanding efforts and discipline during the training period.
We were also honored to have the Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar Hassan, who has been of great support to the project through the training periods by providing his office and Internet connection during the TOTs training sessions addressing the girls on the importance of education.
We would like to appreciate Mahmoud Noor who is the head of CSR Seacom for the great support throughout the project implementation.
We would also like to thank Gulf African Bank for donating two desktop computers and three scholarship to Likoni Mixed Secondary school during the Mombasa Girls In STEM fair,
We would like to give special thanks to our core team members from Pwaniteknowgalz:Ruth Kaveke, Dorine Kamau, Magdaline Otieno, Aisha Abubakar ,Joan Nabusoba and Techwomen Team:Umi Kaltuma Ibrahim,Sandra Wairimu,Serah kahiu, Silvia Mukasa,Ada Aweseka for successfully implementing the Mombasa Girls in STEM project .
We are glad TechWomen featured the STEM fair on their blog
We are looking forward to organizing a yearly STEM project in Mombasa to create awareness and expose the high schools girls to venture to Stem Careers.