The Girls Learn Through Technology (GLTT) project is an initiative that aims to promote digital literacy and coding skills among girls in Kilifi County, Kenya. Funded by the Stone Foundation ,Girls Learn Through Technology is a project by IREX that aims at creating high-tech schools in which teachers have the confidence and capacity to use ICT regularly in their teaching and female students have improved learning outcomes in STEM subjects and increased digital literacy skills.
Pwani Teknowgalz partnered with IREX to offer technical support by supporting 60 teachers to use scratch and digital Literacy in their lesson plans to improve learning outcomes .The project was done in Mariakani and Ganze subounty in kilfi.
Girls learn Through Technology (GLTT)Project has had profound impact on both the learners and teachers In kilifi county. the project did not only enable the teachers gain confidence in using technology to teach learners but also exposed them to mentorship opportunities available for them in the technology field. The skills gained will go along way in providing platform for teachers to explore the digital tools available for them to use in their teaching practice.
Project Outcomes